Assuming you have a Photo
model than belongs to a Gallery
You also have set the Dingo plugin and your routes.php
file has the following:
$api->get( 'photos/archive/{year}/{month}/{day}', 'PhotosController@getArchive' ); $api->get( 'photos/archive/{year}/{month}', 'PhotosController@getArchive' ); $api->get( 'photos/archive/{year}/', 'PhotosController@getArchive' ); $api->get( 'photos/archive', 'PhotosController@getArchive' );
Let’s say you want to have a grouped collection by year/month/day for your photos (based on created date) like this:
[year] => { [month] => { [day] => [ item[1], item[2], ... item[N], ] } }
You can also find the from
and to
datetimes using:
$from = Carbon::createFromDate( 2016)->startOfYear()->toDateTimeString(); $to = Carbon::createFromDate( 2016 )->endOfYear()->toDateTimeString(); $range = [ $from, $to ];
With all that, Laravel made it easy !
$result = Photo::with( 'gallery' ) ->whereBetween( 'created_at', $range ) ->orderBy( 'created_at', 'desc' ) ->get() ->groupBy( function ( $item ) { return $item->created_at->format( 'Y' ); } ) ->map( function ( $item ) { return $item->groupBy( function ( $item ) { return $item->created_at->format( 'm' ); } )->map( function ( $item ) { return $item->groupBy( function ( $item ) { return $item->created_at->format( 'Y-m-d' ); } ); } ); } );